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Webinars & Workshops

“Local Democracy for Global Impact” ALDA Festival and General Assembly 2024 , May 13 to 15, Barcelona, Spain

by EUROCROWD on 13.05.2024

EUROCROWD will join the ALDA Festival and General Assembly of ALDA - Association Européenne pour la Democratie Locale. In our cross-membership with ALDA we recognise the ever-evolving landscape of local democracy, active citizenship, and global cooperation. ALDA has emerged as a dynamic force of change. EUROCROWD member Goteo will also be joining to showcase the impact of civic-crowdfunding, while EUROCROWD will highlight the exciting opportunities for civil society organisations and municipalities to exploit crowdfunding under ECSPR.

ALDA empowers local communities in Europe and beyond. With a core mission of building bridges between local authorities and communities, the Association plays a pivotal role in fostering dialogue and collaboration that transcends borders. This commitment positions ALDA as a local facilitator with global impact, illustrating how grassroots activities can catalyse transformative change on a global scale. EUROCROWD has been collaborating with ALDA over the past years to build new opportunities for its members in impact-driven, community-based finance.

The ALDA Festival and General Assembly 2024 is strategically aligned with the Barcelona European Capital of Democracy (ECoD) initiative. It will allow attendees to explore synergies between local and European levels of governance. This alignment reinforces the commitment of ALDA and EUROCROWD to fostering connections between citizens, local authorities, and civic society organisations.