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EUROCROWD to present at GREEN LIVING AREAS MISSION, 11 April 2024, Turin

by EUROCROWD on 05.04.2024

EUROCROWD will present new opportunities under the European Crowdfunding Service Provider Regulation (ECSPR) to regional authorities, municipalities and experts on 11 April 2024 in Turin, Italy. EUROCROWD will highlight the opportunities crowdfunding under the new license can offer authorities in collaboration with professional crowdfunding service providers and members of EUROCROWD. The past experience with crowdfunding platforms under national laws, many deeply flawed to this day, have created negative impressions and hurdles for new engagement. We will showcase best practices from our members and outline the opportunities and risks of engaging with the citizens in financial services under ECSPR. EUROCROWD also presented expertise created within some of its former and current consulting work within relevant consortia, such as Greenfoot.

The main objective of the event, “What’s new for the Green Living Areas?” is to exchange best practices related to tools, strategies, and policy instruments for promoting greener territories and engaging citizens in the transition. It is the first cross-fertilization and amplification of the Community resonance and the occasion of launching the Institutional Dialogue Process of the Green Living Areas Mission. The event is dedicated mainly to local and regional authorities, public policymakers, civil society, and, generally speaking, actors leading projects to increase climate resilience and sustainability in Mediterranean territories.

The Green Living Areas Mission of the Interreg Euro-MED Programme aims to amplify the impact of innovative solutions developed in the field of sustainable developments and management of living areas and tested within EU projects. Two governance projects work in close cooperation to capitalize knowledge and results produced at the European level, to transfer and mainstream them into effective policies for more sustainable living areas. The Mission undertakes projects that bring local communities to life with green development at their epicentre, reducing negative climate impacts on the region’s ecosystems, and enhancing climate resilience.