Funding Programme: Erasmus+
Duration: November 2021 – November 2023 (24 months)
Description: SEIDE@CRO project aims to support sustainable social entrepreneurship initiatives in the digital era through providing low-skilled or low-qualified adults knowledge, skills and digital tools for organising and realising of crowdfunding campaings to raise money for projects introducing sustainable social initiatives.
Project oriented on supporting low-skilled or low-qualified adults who plan to realize sustainable social entrepreneurship initiatives/projects to improve their quality life, solve some social-economic problem using crowdfunding. This target group needs easy-to-use, simple-to-know and accessible, but modern learning tools, especially the distance format (they often do not have time for face-to-face classes). At the same time, they need finance for their project, and want to understand how to build effective crowdfunding campaigns.
Our role:
- Support establishing innovator communities.
- Promote crowdfunding as a viable offering of job creation, social innovation and boost entrepreneurship to the Europe, policy makers and stakeholders.
- Provide resources, professional support and a forum for collaborative action regarding crowdfunding.
Expected results:
Best practice report "Сrowdfunding for supporting sustainable social entrepreneurship initiatives"
- Exchange of ideas and good practice in the crowdfunding field on the national, European and international levels.
- Better understanding of how crowdfunding can be used as a good tool for financing social entrepreneurship projects with a focus on the local community, sustainable development.
- Provide information for making effective decisions for crowdfunding stakeholders.
E-learning course "Сrowdfunding in Action: how raise money for sustainable social entrepreneurship initiatives"
- New/better skills in crowdfunding with focus on supporting sustainable social entrepreneurship initiative for 60 low-skilled or low-qualified adults.
- E-course will be accessible for learners regardless of location, income level, other socio-economic or psychological limitations.
- Stronger participation of adult people in economic and civic life using crowdfunding for solving social problem at the local, regional, national, European or global level.
- New course curriculum will be used by educational institutions to give new digital competences crowdfunding adults and youth.
- Improving of the educational services quality in the crowdfunding market
- Partner organizations of the project will enhance their ability to provide quality educational products to adults, improve staff skills through collaboration and exchange of experience at the international level.
A digital assistant for crowdfunding campaign creation
- Bot users (minimum 50 adults) development of their projects introducing sustainable social initiatives, including social entrepreneurship.
- Fosters stronger participation of adult people in economic and civic life using crowdfunding for solving social problem at the local, regional, national, European or global level.
- Enhancing initiative of adults and faith in possibilities turn their ideas into viable projects with crowdfunding -innovative chat-bot can be used by educational institutions, crowdfunding platforms and teams of people in the world.
- Crowdfunding platforms get better quality of projects.
- Project partner organizations enhance ability to provide quality educational products to adults, improve staff skills through collaboration and exchange of experience at the international level.
Project partners:
Fundacja im. Zofii Zamenhof, Poland
Kyiv Business School, Ukraine
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