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Blockpool – Pooling SME adoption and deployment of Blockchain and other DLTs

by EUROCROWD on 05.04.2021

Funding Programme: H2020-INNOSUP-2018-03 – Enhancing the innovation capacity of SMEs

Duration: July 2019 – June 2021


Description:  Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (BDLTs) cover a revolutionary potential but their uptake and deployment to value chains other than financial ones remains slow. Among other causes, fragmentation and a series of obstacles to their market deployment hamper the diffusion and pace of adoption of BDLTs by SMEs. aims to enhance SME innovation capacity by providing better innovation support. We will use the power of intermediary organisations (clusters, federations…) and cross-regional industrial networks to Pilot the acceleration of SME uptake and deployment of BDLTs. Our consortium thus aims to accelerate the cross-border uptake and deployment of BDLTs by/to European SMEs. aims to grow beyond the Pilot Project to become a sustainable Portal for BDLT deployment.

Our role: With Blockpool, EUROCROWD is mainly responsible for setting up and implementing the multi-sectorial Deployment Pool. This concerns the scoping, organisation and management of an open cascading call for small and innovative SMEs. Selected SMEs will be expected to develop services/applications that present a clear societal and economic value while exceeding a defined minimum level of functional complexity and thus generating a large number of innovative products/services building on BDLTs.

Expected results:

  • Build and strengthen SMEs’ and intermediaries’ BDLT capacity in a cross-value chain fashion
  • 25 SME projects will be funded (max. grant amount 30.000 EUR) to test and validate new BDLT solutions (TRL7+) in most prominent sectors (e.g. supply chain, energy, healthcare, Fintech, Insurance, Legal, Shipping & Social Good). Application and selection via an Open Call.
  • SMEs will also benefit from the support of our Mentors Network, training (MOOC/Webinars), as well as other innovative tools.

Project partners