Strong foundations for Spanish Strategic Group for clear support of European agenda
The European Crowdfunding Network (EUROCROWD) is proud to announce that the Spanish Strategic Group (SSG) has been advancing over the past months and that we now have formally established different working areas. While the SSG is focusing on developing relevant skill sets through vocational training, the group has also been focusing on concrete areas related to the Spanish agenda that have clear connection to Europe. The direct collaboration among SSG members will develop in strategic areas such as creative and cultural industries (CCI) or Rural Development, which are linked to specific contexts where new scenarios for crowdfunding are emerging as a new alternative and challenge.
TheSSG will support the national implementation of European Crowdfunding Service Provider for Business Regulation (ECSP) and the development of regulatory technical standards by European Security and Markets Authorities. This will be done in collaboration with the ECSP working group and the Italian Strategic Group. The SSG will also help reviewing guarantee mechanisms and legislation – especially on the topic of combining European Structural investment Funds (ESIF) with crowdfunding tools and public policies, which EUROCRWOD has championed with relevant stakeholders in Europe through, for example, the recent study delivered together with the European Investment Bank. This unique collaboration brings together public authorities, development agencies, crowdfunding platforms, universities, private foundations and professional associations to help create a strong and professional crowdfunding sector in Spain and Europe.
- Acció – Generalitat de Catalunya
- Bufete Rubio de Casas
- CEEI Asturias
- Bizkaia CF
- Eurada
- Ethichub
- Fundecyt
- Fademur
- Fundación Uxío Novoneyra
- Heres Social
- Innsomnia Consulting
- Junta Extremadura
- Las Naves – Ajuntament de València
- Red Aragonesa de Desarrollo Rural
- Red Asturiana de Desarrollo Rural
- Red Española de Desarrollo
- The Crowd Angel