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Crowdfunding for Culture Study Report

by EUROCROWD on 25.06.2017

Brussels, 25 June 2017 - The European Crowdfunding Network (ECN) together with its consortium partners Idea consult and Ecorys proudly presents its recent publication „Crowdfunding: Reshaping the crowd’s engagement in culture“.

Based on a dataset with information from nearly 75,000 CCS crowdfunding campaigns, this study provides a unique insight into:

– The uptake of crowdfunding since 2013 across different cultural and creative sub-sectors (CCS) and EU Member States

– The use of different crowdfunding models, average amounts being raised and success rates.

The study shows that running a CCS crowdfunding campaign very often serves other purposes beyond finance, such as audience development, community engagement, skills development, promotion and market research, making it an interesting tool for multiple types of CCS actors, including publicly-owned cultural institutions.

Based on the analysis, the study puts forward recommendations to policymakers on what is needed for crowdfunding to further develop as a multi-purpose tool for CCS practices

Get the full Study here!